
Complete personal blog website online for only $99!

You yearn to express yourself online, but you prefer the written word to video. You've seen how the web can be used to enrich a user's experience by providing links to related articles or other information, and you'd like to get involved and contribute to the blogosphere. An online journal seems like just the thing — but all of the offers you've seen so far are either too expensive, too complicated, or too limiting.

We think we have just the solution for you.


At its most basic, a blog is an online journal, providing links to other blogs, articles, and web sites the author considers interesting. You can also use it as a way to disseminate information, scheduling, or late-breaking news. Maybe you'd like to cover a seminar or trade show and report on all of the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of what you're seeing. The possibilities are inexhaustible. And best of all, it's not complicated. If you can type, you can blog!

Our offer

Your blog will have the look and feel you want, and you'll be able to continue customizing it yourself via a simple web interface, should you feel the need. With our basic Blog Package, we'll get you set up and blogging within a couple of days of your order.


We take care of registration, hosting, configuration, Email, Design, and blog software

Our basic offer not what you're looking for? If you're looking for more, we can give you more. Just send us a message to let us know your needs.