Fantastic effective custom graphics development for web, internet
Graphic Design
Good illustrations aren't just for “art” sites. Good illustrations are crucial for any web site. Effective graphics will impel visitors to stay at your site longer and visit other pages of your site. Ineffective graphics will cause them to click to another site, because your images aren't eye-catching, take too long to appear, or don't appear correctly.
How We Can Help
A talented web graphic designer can design graphic images which download quickly and look good. Graphic images should be small enough to load quickly without compromising the quality of the graphic image.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” it's true. However, aesthetics aside, good visual web design takes several factors into account:
The layout. Is the site “easy” for your eyes to flow over and does it allow you to see the information you need quickly and without much effort?
Color scheme. Do the colors chosen work well together to create the desired effect? For example, if you want your site to present a “serious,” business-oriented appearance, using lots of clashing colors, shapes and figures would definitely be the wrong approach. On the other hand, such an approach may be exactly right for a site where you want to project ideas like “personality,” “energy,” and/or “unconventional” approaches.
Harmony/Disharmony. Do the visual elements complement each other? Is there a sense of balance to the page? Do the forms “belong” together? Once again, whether or not the right answer to these questions is “yes” or “no” depends on the message you want to convey. If your web site showcases an alternative rock band, for example, you might want a little more aggression and disharmony reflected in the design choices for your site.
Animation. The choice of whether to use static images and dynamic images, and where, is also an important one. Most experienced designers tend to focus on the more subtle aspects of animation, and use elaborate animation only to illustrate specific concepts central to a given theme, rather than just to attract attention.
Our graphic designers not only have a keen eye for these considerations, they also a very high level of competence with the necessary tools to transfer what they see in their mind's eye to the web. You can look forward to benefiting from graphic designers who are experienced with tools like Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks. We can even leverage the power of automated graphics processing using technology such as Imagemagick to produce image content on the fly, according to the demand of your site's visitors.
Sound interesting? That's just the beginning. To find out more, send us a message and let us know what you're looking for!